Good morning friends and happy What's Up Wednesday.
From a Floridian Thanksgiving to a Flu-Ridden Thanksgiving
Good morning friends and welcome back after the holiday weekend! I hope you all had a lovely time celebrating with your families. Our Thanksgiving plans did not turn out like we had originally planned, but we still had a very nice weekend and have much to be thankful for!
Last Sunday, the 20th, Lily Grace started feeling a little under the weather. Liam had a cold the week before so we didn't think too much of it. Then, Monday morning, I woke up to a text message from one of LG's classmates' moms:
"Good morning everyone. Just a heads up because I'd want to know with the upcoming holiday, but (her son) tested positive for the flu on Sunday afternoon."
Uh oh.
LG was sleeping in, which should've been clue #1 because she's our early riser... when she finally woke up she had a temperature of 101.5. We called the pediatrician to make an appointment and were told there were no appointments available, and to try Urgent Care. We tried Urgent Care's website, again, no appointments available until Tuesday. (Is this happening in your area too? EVERYONE is sick right now!) We gave her some medicine which brought her fever down a little bit, but she ended up peaking at 103.5. On Tuesday morning, her fever had broken, but when we took her to her Urgent Care appointment she tested positive for the flu.
We were supposed to be visiting Devin's 94-year-old grandmother for Thanksgiving. We obviously could not take the flu to grandma. She did not currently have a fever, so the doctor told us she was safe to be around people once she was fever free for 24 hours. Since she didn't currently have a fever and we were staying in an AirB&B in Florida anyway, we figured we would drive there and hunker down in the AirB&B until she passed the 24 hour mark. She napped while we packed up the car, and then at the very last second Devin woke her up and put her in the car. I turned around to back out of the driveway and saw our sweet girl was miserable again. I said "Devin look at her, I think her fever is back." Sure enough, she was 101.5. We decided to stick it out at home until we passed the 24 hour fever-free mark. We snapped this pic to send to the family we were supposed to be meeting in Florida:
End of the Year Declutter Challenge-- So Far
Hello friends and happy Monday before Thanksgiving! Do you have plans for the holiday? We will be driving to Florida tomorrow night to visit Devin's grandmother and some aunts, uncles, and cousins. It should be a lot of fun! Devin's grandma is 94 and still such a firecracker. I am looking forward to spending some good quality time with her.
What I've Been Wearing Lately
Hi there! How was your week? This was the first "normal" week we've had in awhile and it felt so good to be back in our normal routine. Just in time for the craziness of the holidays ahead! Today I am sharing a few outfits I've worn lately, including a few that could make for some cute Thanksgiving outfits if you're looking for something to wear next week!
Not Just a Mom: Internet Made Me Buy It
Hello there everyone and happy Monday! I hope you all had a nice weekend. Our kiddos had parent teacher conferences last week so they've been out of school for 4 days. I LOVED having this extra time with both of them at home. Now that they are both in school 5 days a week I feel like I hardly see them. An added bonus is that they were both very ready to go back to school and see their friends again today. 😃
Today the Not Just a Mom group is linking up to share "Internet Made Me Buy It." I am almost embarrassed to admit I feel like this is 85% of what I buy. This could be the world's longest post, but I'm trying to keep it to 8 or so items-- and a random hodgepodge at that!
I am no stranger to an impulse buy and these dang influencers/bloggers get me way too often! That being said, every once in a while I feel like I totally got swindled (anyone else?) so not only am I sharing my impulse buys... but I'm ranking them. A 5/5 means "great purchase, very happy I bought it, would totally buy it again". A 1/5 means "I can't believe I fell for that". 🙈 This could be fun, right? Let's have a look:
Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids
Hello friends and happy Friday! Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away, and we are in full Thanksgiving craft mode over here! Don't get me wrong, I love me some Christmas crafts/decorations/activities, but this year I am trying to make sure we don't forget all about Thanksgiving. There are a lot of fun Thanksgiving activities too! The beauty of being a preschool teacher is that we have been making a bunch of crafts at school, which means I have been bringing some craft ideas home to do with my own kiddos too! Or, I have LG make the example craft for my preschoolers. Here's a look at a few of the ones we have already done:
Monthly Goals: November
Hello friends and happy Monday! I hope you all had a nice weekend. This past weekend was my annual girls trip with my two best friends and it was a DREAM.
31 Days of Skeleton Antics, 2022
Oh hi there friends and happy Friday! Just like many of the rest of you, I am READY to get into Christmas mode. Devin used to be really big on "no Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving," but over the past few years he has realized that we spend way too much time putting the decorations up only to enjoy them for a few weeks. We are of the mind that if you're going to go through all the effort of putting them up, you might as well put them up earlier and enjoy it a little longer.
But before we move on to the next big holiday, I want to show you what our skeletons were up to in the month of October. If you don't already know, we have a family of skeletons that we put up in our front yard every October. Every single day we change them so they are doing a different activity. We have a lot of fun with them!
Come and check out what the Skelly family was up to this October: