Hi there friends! I hope you’ve all been enjoying your summer so far. We have been having a BLAST! I’ll be honest, I was nervous about how this summer would go. I’m normally such a summer mom— I love taking the kids to the pool, the Whitewater Center, the creek, etc. and I didn’t know if I’d have the energy to keep up this summer. While it definitely isn’t the same, I am thrilled to say I am keeping up! So far we have not had to miss out on a single thing this summer and I can’t tell you how big of a relief that is. Have we watched a little more TV? Yep. But so what, one summer with a little extra TV never killed anybody. 😊
For the next few weeks, I am going to take a little blogging break. My computer keyboard is acting funny and I'm not sure I'll be able to squeeze in an appointment at the Apple Store before we leave for Hilton Head. My plan is to be back here in early July, once we get back from the beach. In the meantime, I hope you all have a wonderful rest of June!