Happy Friday and Happy New Year's Eve friends!!!!
2021 Book Review
Good morning friends! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! I know so many people whose plans were changed/not what they were hoping for due to COVID and if you also fall into that category I am so sorry! I am hoping and praying this was the last Christmas that we all have to worry about this stupid virus.
It's the end of the year, which means it's time for the end-of-year book review! I know book reviews are all over blog-world this time of year and I cannot get enough of them. I love to see what other people are reading and their honest opinions of the books.
Each year I try to break down my favorite books into different genres just in case you have a particular genre you prefer to read. This year my genres are thriller, historical fiction, fiction, and nonfiction. I tried to narrow it to down to my top 5, but there were too many that I really loved, so it ended up as a top 8 list. At the bottom of this post I will tell you my top book of the year-- and you're in for a surprise!
Disney Trip Part 2
Good morning and happy Monday! I hope you all had a nice last weekend before Christmas. We missed a week of all the Christmas season fun when we went to Disney so I feel like we have been trying to pack everything in since we've been back. We've baked cookies, made Christmas crafts, made homemade ornaments, went to a Christmas market, went on the Polar Express, and LG went to see the Nutcracker with her grandparents. We've been keeping busy, that's for sure. 😅
Disney Trip 2021: Part 1
Hello friends! I am back today to share a little bit of our trip to Disney. We had SO much fun on this trip and I think the kids were at such great ages for it. LG is 4 and everything was still so magical and real to her. Liam was 2, and while technically this was his second trip, this is the first time he really knew what was going on. 😆 He was only 3 months old the last time we took him! It's funny to remember a time he was that little.
Orlando is only an 8 hour drive from Charlotte, which we felt was reasonable for our family. We thought about flying, but honestly with the amount of stuff we wanted to bring it was just easier to drive (not to mention cheaper). We left Friday afternoon and began our drive to Jacksonville, FL (roughly 6 hours).
Not Just a Mom December: Favorite Holiday Movies
Hello hello! We are back from our trip to Disney and while we are all exhausted, we are also all still riding the high of being in the Happiest Place on Earth for a week. I am hoping to get some blog posts up about our trip within the next few weeks but with the holidays coming up, I'm not sure how often I'll be showing up here on the blog. I still have some last minute shopping to do! Anyone else not done yet? It's crunch time! 😅
Today I am linking up with the Not Just a Mom ladies and today we are sharing our favorite Holiday movies.
What's Up Wednesday
Hi there! I'm back today to chime in with the What's Up Wednesday crew. We have been busy as can be over here and I am looking forward to sharing what we've been up to. Let's have a look:
What We've Been Eating: Well this week we are off the plant-based wagon and enjoying all the turkey, ham, cheese, etc. My hope is that we get our fill of it this week and have no problems getting back into our groove post-Thanksgiving. That being said we have a trip to Disney planned for the the first week of December, so.... maybe not? I'm not planning to hold back there if I see something that looks delicious and isn't plant-based. You only live once, I have all the time in the world to get back into that groove. But when we have been sticking with plant-based, we've been eating things like this:
Taking a Step Back
Hi there friends and happy Monday. Today I am writing to tell you that I am going to be taking a step back from blogging for a bit. I have loved this little online community of like-minded women over the past few years, but this hobby of mine is starting to take up time I no longer have.
When I started this blog back in 2018 I was bored out of my mind. I was the first of my group of friends to have a baby, and the only one of my friends who was a stay at home mom. I was at home with Lily Grace, by myself, for 8+ hours a day. While she was cute as a button, and still is, she wasn't much for conversation back in those days of being a young toddler. My friends were busy at work, my husband was busy at work, and so was my family. I needed something to do, a way to fill my time, and blogging was the perfect fit. I used to write my blog posts during LG's nap time when I had a solid 3+ hours with nothing to do. Now our sweet girl only takes 1-2 naps a week if I'm lucky and they never seem to coincide with Liam's naps. Now I feel like I'm trying to write blog posts at the end of the day when I'm already dead tired. That's not feeding my love for this blog, but making it feel like one more "chore", which I don't want!
I have truly enjoyed writing this blog, and the thought of giving it up completely makes me sad. So I am not giving it up completely, but I am going to be taking a big step back. Rather than showing up here 3+ times a week, I'm going to be showing up more on a whim, when I'm able to, and when I have something legitimate to write about. Maybe instead of weekly Friday Favorites, I'll have one a month but it'll be longer and more in-depth? I'm not 100% sure what the future of this blog will look like, but I know that spending the time being more present in the moment with my family is something I won't regret.
If you don't already follow me on BlogLovin', now would be a great time to do so. It'll notify you when I post something, so you won't have to keep checking back.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming back here to read and follow along with our family!! I appreciate your kind comments, emails, Instagram DM's, etc. so much more than you know and genuinely consider all of you my real life friends. If only we all lived closer and could go grab a glass of wine together. 😉
See you back here someday (hopefully) soon!
5 Things/Monthly Goals
Hi There! I had originally planned this post to be a 5 Random-Things-I-Had-On-My-Brain post, but then realized each of the 5 things I was writing about related back to my goals for the month of November. So I guess this post is a little bit of both! The things that are on my brain are also on my list of goals for the month. 😊
Books I Read in October
Hi there and happy Wednesday! Today I am sharing the books I read in the month of October, and this time around I am going to include the synopsis of the book as well as my thoughts/grade for it. I usually shy away from telling too much about the book because I don't want to give anything away, but I figure a good copy/paste from Amazon won't have too many spoilers! Let's start with one that I'm sure many of us read this month:
Not Just a Mom: Small Shops
Hello there and happy Monday! I am back today after a WONDERFUL weekend in Chicago with my two best girlfriends. It was exactly what we needed: a chance to spend 3 uninterrupted days together eating, laughing, resting, etc. I came away from the weekend feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the week ahead. I need girls getaway weekends more often-- hah! Today the Not Just a Mom crew are sharing our favorite small shops!
31 Days of Skeleton Antics
Hello hello! Last year when we moved out of our house for the renovation, we moved about 20 minutes outside of the city to a town called Matthews. We were living there during the month of October and one of the houses down the street had skeletons outside who did something new every day. Our kids LOVED the skeletons and got so excited to drive by and see what they were doing. Even on days we didn't have anywhere to go, we still made an adventure out of going to see the skeletons. About halfway through the month Devin and I said "we should do this at our house next year. The kids/families in our neighborhood would love it." So fast forward a year and guess who the new crazy skeleton family was?? US!
We had a blast doing this! Our house is the neighborhood bus stop and it brought me so much joy to see the bus pull up and all the kids pull down their windows to see what the skeletons were doing. We had such sweet, positive feedback from our neighbors, the mail carrier, UPS drivers, and even random people who don't live in our neighborhood but drove through just to see them. It was a lot of work but was 100% worth it to know that we brightened people's days.. even if just for a minute!
Today I am sharing with you our 31 days of skeletons! I'd love it if you left me a comment telling me which was your favorite! Maybe we will do that one again next year. 😉 Oh and for reference, their names changed a bit but we finally settled on Grace Skelly and Scary Grant. So if you see me use those names, you'll know who I'm referring to!
What I'm Priming: October
Good morning friends! I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween weekend. Ours was SUPER busy and I have to say I am incredibly grateful the kids didn't have school Monday. Everybody was wiped out from all the parties/parades/trick or treating. Now I am thankful we are headed into a relatively normal week. Praying for the peace and calm that a routine can bring!
Today I am linking up with Tanya for Prime Purchases. Here are my purchases for the month:
Fall Family Pictures 2021
Good morning friends and happy Friday! Earlier this week I shared that we had our fall family pictures taken and received our proofs back. We were finally able to narrow down the pictures we wanted and I am happy to share them with you!
Fall Harvest Salad
Hello friends! Today I wanted to share the recipe I was telling you about last week. I have been making this salad for lunch on repeat the past few weeks and I just cannot seem to get enough of it. This recipe makes enough for two people, or if you're like me, enough for a salad at lunch today and a salad at lunch again tomorrow 😊.
What's Up Wednesday
Weekend Highlights
Good morning and happy Monday! Today I am recapping our busy but fun-filled weekend as I link up with Heather for Hello Monday. I hope you all have a great Monday and get your week off to a strong start!
On Friday I subbed for a 4th grade class at my old school while Devin worked from home and watched the kids. When I came home from work they were playing with their construction worker dress up clothes. Both of these kids love to play dress up, and the construction outfits are a big hit these days!
Friday Favorites
Favorite Activities: