Hello friends! It's the end of another month meaning it is time for my monthly book review-- woohoo! I really liked all 3 of the books I read this month, but one stood out more than the others. Let's get to it!
Friday, February 28, 2020
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Garlic Parmesan Roasted Green Beans
It's Thursday, which means it's time for another healthy side item recipe. I am LOVING adding another post each week and am really happy that I decided to start blogging my healthy recipes. It causes me to make something different every week instead of having the same side item 3 weeks in a row 😉. This week's recipe is one that I saw on Pinterest several months ago, but then tweaked it a little to make it more our taste.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
What's Up Wednesday
Good morning and happy What's Up Wednesday!! These posts are some of my favorites for the whole month. I love feeling like I get to "catch up" with some of my favorite bloggers. Here's a look at what's been going on around here lately:
What We've Been Eating: We have been eating a lot of healthy side items around here lately, including:
Tonight we are having Andrea's Southwest Bowls (one of our all time favorite recipes!).
What I'm Loving: Liam is in the sweetest stage of nonstop smiles/giggles and I don't ever want it to end!! I am trying to take as many videos as I can of his sweet little laugh so I can watch them in the future when we are having a rough day.
What I'm Working On: Decluttering!! I wrote a blog post a few weeks back about decluttering this month and I am almost done-- whew!! I have donated/thrown away/recycled/repurposed almost 400 items from my home. Isn't that incredible?? And I was not a pack rat/hoarder to begin with! I knew we had some things to go through and get rid of, but 400?! And the shocking part is that it really hasn't been that hard to find 400 things to get rid of. 😳
What I'm Excited About: Liam's Baptism is next month and I am so excited to have our friends and family together to celebrate our sweet boy. I am currently on the hunt for the perfect christening outfit for him. LG wore my Baptismal gown from when I was a baby, but there is NO way this big boy will fit into it! I wasn't super into the idea of him wearing a gown anyway, so I'm not going to push it 😀
What I'm Watching/Reading: I will do my monthly reading post on Friday but my favorite book so far of the month has been Lock Every Door.
I joined a new Facebook Book Club called "Read Between the Wines" and so far the first book (Lock Every Door) was a hit! I can't wait to see what next month's book is.
As for watching, of course I'm watching the Bachelor. I have to say, I am really disappointed that Peter has kept Victoria F. around. What on earth does he see in that girl?? I mean yes, she's beautiful... but so is every other girl there. I guess Peter is into "crazy"?
A coworker recommended "Call the Midwife" since I told her I loved Downton Abbey, and so far I love it! It's about nurses, midwives, and nuns in 1950's and 1960's England and it's adorable.
What I'm Listening To: I've been on a big country kick lately so I just have Pandora play "Top Country Hits". When I'm cooking though I still love "French Cooking Music".
What I'm Wearing: I just bought a ton of clothes on Amazon last week and did two posts about them here:
Here are a few of the outfits:
Green Dress (I thought this would be perfect for St. Patrick's Day!)
I found this outfit on Pinterest and tried to recreate it. I am LOVING these pants! The shirt has a cute little tie at the bottom, you can't see in this pic because it's tucked in.
What I'm Doing This Weekend: One of my best girlfriends is having a baby in April and I am helping to throw her baby shower. I am so excited for this sweet baby girl's arrival and know my friend Allie is going to be an amazing mom. The theme for the shower is "Winnie the Pooh" so I bought little honey jars to give away as favors and I think they will be adorable when they're finished. I just need to add the honey (I bought giant jugs from Costco) and add some ribbon to tie the dipping "spoon".
What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: I said this earlier, but Liam's Baptism!
Thanks for stopping by to catch up with me today! Can't wait to see what all of you are up to as well!! See you back here tomorrow for another healthy recipe!
Monday, February 24, 2020
Amazon Fashion-- Spring Part 2
Good morning and happy Monday! It feels funny to be posting "spring" outfits when we had snow last week, but that's how wacky our weather is around here. We will have snow one week and 60+ degree days the next! Here are the other half of my spring Amazon purchases:
Friday, February 21, 2020
Amazon Fashion-- Spring Part 1
Good morning and happy Friday!! Last week I purchased a bunch of clothes from Amazon and wanted to do a quick try on haul for you. I had spring and summer on the brain when purchasing and think all of these outfits scream "WARMER WEATHER HERE WE COME!" Can you tell I'm ready for spring?! I grabbed a lot of stuff so I'm going to break this post up into two parts, one today and one Monday.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Garlic Ranch Roasted Broccoli
Yes, you read that right. Garlic Ranch. Those two words together are enough to make my mouth water 😋. A few weeks ago I made a recipe that included a packet of dry Ranch seasoning and went ahead and bought multiple packs since I knew they would eventually get used. Fast forward to last night when I was looking for a new way to add some flavor to roasted broccoli. I was browsing our spice cabinet and stumbled across the packets of Ranch seasoning and thought "why not give this a shot?". Add a little garlic and BOOM! It was delicious!!
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Lemon Parmesan Artichoke Hearts
Good morning! I am playing catch-up on my recipes over here since I took the end of last week off. Over the weekend Devin and I were looking through some of our old Italy pictures and stumbled across one of the most delicious meals we had... baked artichoke hearts. I am now on a mission to recreate those heavenly artichokes and won't stop until I figure it out! This recipe is a twist on the one we enjoyed in Italy. If you like artichokes, give it a try!
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Tuesday Talk-- Keto Diet
Hi all! I am so happy to be joining up with Erika and Ashley for Tuesday Talk today because I am DYING to know your thoughts on today's topic: the Keto diet.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Weekend Highlights
Good morning friends! I am SO happy to report that we are all feeling well again around here. There's nothing like feeling sick to make you appreciate feeling well again, right? The flu knocked us on our butts but we are back up and seizing the day!
Since we were actually all feeling well this weekend we tried to squeeze in as much family fun time as possible. I've had a couple realizations this week that my babies are not going to be babies forever and even though this time can be hectic and stressful, I want to try to see the good in all of it and soak up as much of it as I can.
Here's a look at our weekend:
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
The Flu
Hey all, I wanted to hop on today to let you know I'm taking a brief break from blogging the rest of this week. The Darrell family has been hit with the flu and all my extra time/energy is going into getting us all back to feeling 100%. Thanks for understanding!
Monday, February 10, 2020
Not Just a Mom... Date Nights
Good morning and welcome to our second installment of "Not Just a Mom"! I'm so happy you've stopped by to read today and if you're a blogger, I hope you've linked up with us.
Friday, February 7, 2020
What I've Been Wearing to Work
Hi there! I wanted to do an updated version of the outfits I've been wearing to work lately in the hopes that maybe I can help one or two of you with your morning outfits. I love looking at other bloggers work appropriate outfits because I'll often think "oh I have something similar to that!" and then wear it to work. 😀 One less thing to think about when the mornings are crazy busy!
Please forgive the fact that the room is often a mess in these pictures! Also, keep your eyes peeled for a surprise family member in the background 😉
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Monthly Goals for February
This has nothing to do with today's post, but can we talk about this beautiful cotton candy sky I saw leaving my neighborhood on the way to work this week?
Monday, February 3, 2020
What I've Been Priming
Good morning friends! I hope you all had a great weekend! We had the most beautiful weather here this weekend and spent as much time outside as possible. While I'm enjoying the beautiful sunny skies and the 60 degree weather, I can't help but hold out hope for a little snow. We usually get one good snow each winter and have yet to get ours. I keep checking that weather forecast though! Here's hoping we get some this month 🙏
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