Friday, May 27, 2022

The ABC's of Summer: Fun Summer Activities for Kids

 Hello friends and happy Memorial Day weekend! I hope your weekend plans include some time outside, enjoying good food and the company of people you love. Our plans are to do exactly that in Wilmington, NC this weekend with Devin's family. My plan is to whip up some festive but also healthy recipes. Maybe something like this:

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

What's Up Wednesday

 Hello hello and happy What's Up Wednesday! The first WUW of summer for us! I am looking forward to sharing a little bit of what we're eating, wearing, and doing this month. Let's have a look:

Monday, May 23, 2022

1000 Hours Outside and Our Summer Bucket List

Friday, May 20, 2022

Friday Favorites-- a Summer Giveaway!

 Hello friends! I hope you are having a nice week. We officially have a kindergartner in our house and I am equal parts excited and also wondering where my tiny little baby went. 

Monday, May 16, 2022

Life Lately

Hello friends and happy Monday! I hope you all had a nice weekend. We have a pre-k graduation coming up this week and I am a big ball of emotions about it-- and so is LG! While she is very excited for kindergarten, she has actually gotten a little weepy about leaving her old preschool behind. What a testament to her school that even the kids find it bittersweet to move on. We have had such a wonderful experience at her pre-school and I feel very confident about her being successful next year in kindergarten! 
Friday, May 13, 2022

Our Trip to Ireland Part 3: SO MANY CASTLES and the Cliffs of Moher :)

 Hello there friends and happy Friday! Today I am rounding out the remainder of our trip to Ireland. If you missed my previous posts about Ireland you can read them here:

Ireland Trip Part 1: The flight and Dublin

Ireland Trip Part 2: The Town of Killarney and Killarney National Park

For my third and final Ireland post I am calling it "SO MANY CASTLES and the Cliffs of Moher" because in one day we saw 3 different castles! Spoiler alert: they were all incredible. 

On Monday morning we woke up in Killarney and had some breakfast in our hotel. 

Monday, May 9, 2022

Not Just a Mom: Go To Gift Ideas

 Hello hello and happy Monday! If you are a mom, I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day and felt all the love from your people. 

Whew-- it is only May 7th (as I write this) and May-cember is already in full swing around here. 

Monday, May 2, 2022

What I'm Priming April

 Hello hello! I had originally planned to wrap up the rest of our trip to Ireland today, but somehow the time completely got away from me. I missed the What's Up Wednesday link up last week and didn't want to miss Prime Purchases with Tanya on Tuesday. April came and went in the blink of an eye over here! Here's a look at our Amazon purchases for the month of April: