Monday, December 26, 2022

Skiing in Steamboat Springs Colorado

 Good morning friends! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah. The past few days have been filled with family time, and each year as I get older I am more and more grateful for my incredible family. There are 10 of us together to celebrate Christmas and my gosh, we are a LOUD, energetic bunch but I was telling Devin last night, I can’t remember the last time I smiled or laughed this consistently for days on end. I am thankful for everyone’s health and praying for many more years of us celebrating together. 

Just like many of the rest of you, we have been busy these past few weeks! We had all the busy craziness of wrapping up school and then immediately hopped on a plane to Colorado. Today I want to briefly recap our trip. We left for Colorado on Friday, December 16th and flew home on Wednesday, December 21st. Unfortunately poor Liam had a little tummy bug and fever for a portion of our trip, so we don’t have nearly as many pictures of him-- poor guy! We were there with Devin’s parents and I was grateful for the extra help so we could rotate who was helping Liam and who was out playing with LG. 

Alrighty, time to recap!

At 3:00 am on Friday the 16th, our alarms went off. You all know that I am an early bird, so that didn’t bother me one bit! Thankfully it didn’t seem to bother the kids either… they were excited and ready to go! 

Here are Lily Grace and I taking the bus after parking our car, circa 4:15 am. 

Luckily for us, an early flight meant Liam took a great nap on the plane. 


Our flight from Charlotte left at 5:30 and took us to Dallas, where we quickly hopped on to our next flight to Hayden Airport in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. This was not our first trip to Steamboat, but it was our first trip in the winter. Oh my word, friends I have never seen so much snow in my life. Our view from the plane didn’t even look real. 

How beautiful is that? 

Our plan was to get settled into the condo and keep the kids awake until a reasonable bedtime. 

My in laws have a condo they rent out on AirB&B and this year we had asked if we could all go together instead of renting it out during the first week of Christmas break. We were very happy they agreed! 

On our real “Day 1” of our trip, LG went to ski school. She LOVED it, but if I’m being honest I think it was a little too long. She had zero complaints, and kept talking about her new friends she made, but ski school was 6 hours long. I don’t want to be away from my child for 6 hours on vacation!! Does that make me crazy? An hour or two, sure… but 6?? We basically lost a day with LG. 

Liam and I watching LG ski while drinking hot chocolate. 

Also, please note the temperature that morning: 

Negative 8! It was this cold every morning we were there. I think the high temperature was 19 degrees Fahrenheit, which is -7 Celsius… as the HIGH. Needless to say we were layered up!

On Sunday one of the ski mountains has “Free Ski Sunday” so we headed over to Howelsen Hill (where Free Ski Sunday was). I did not take nearly enough pictures because I was too busy skiing/trying not to die. Y’all, I have skied my whole life. I started at the same age LG did, 4, but Colorado is a whole other level of skiing. I kept saying back home was like the minor leagues vs Colorado being the major leagues. The snow was much better for skiing in Colorado, but those mountains are STEEP! Luckily I only fell once but when I did I kept rolling down the hill 🤣. I have been skiing Black Diamonds back home for as long as I can remember, but I fell in an "easy" spot and when the ski patrol came to rescue me he said “don’t worry ma’am, I’ll get you back over to the beginner trails”. 🤣🤣 I mean, way to add insult to injury dude. That being said, I stuck to the green and blue trails for the remainder of the trip. No need to break a bone or worse!

Monday we had an easier day. We did some sledding, some shopping, and relaxing around the condo. 

On Tuesday we had passes for Steamboat Resort and Devin opted to stay home with the kids so I went skiing with a family friend. These pictures do NOT do the mountains justice. 

Our little guy trying to be a big guy with some ski poles. 

Then on Wednesday, it was time for our flight home again. We had such a nice time on our trip and I am looking forward to many more trips out there in the future. 

I hope you all are enjoying this time off with loved ones! Today I am linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday. See you back here later this week! 


  1. How stunning!! I'm ready to go skiing now - but definitely not on black LOL!!

  2. I'm all about ski lessons at least on the first day so the kids can get acquainted with the hill with an impartial third party, but I agree that 6 hours seems like a long time! I can't imagine skiing out west, but would love to do it someday! Even skiing in Quebec last year was a bit of a shock to me, skiing in Southern Ontario is a bit of a joke compared to those real mountain ranges. But a great way to spend a family holiday! Sarah M. (not anonymous)

  3. Oh that looks lovely!... but I am NOT a skier. I did break my leg skiing as a young kid and have never had any desire to try again.

  4. What a lovely trip. I'm sorry Liam was sick! The snow looks beautiful. OMG --snow patrol keeping you humble. haha
