Monday, July 31, 2023

Prime Purchases June and July

Oops— I just realized I’m a week early on this link up! Haha oh well!


Good morning friends! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. On Saturday we had multiple birthday parties and then chores to do around the house. It was busy but felt so good to be productive and check things off our list. On Sunday we went to church in person for the first time since my diagnosis. It was wonderful to be able to be back there in person!!! We probably should've waited a few more weeks for my immune system to get stronger, but I am so eager to return to "normal" that I just couldn't wait. We sat in the back corner and tried to keep our distance from people just in case of germs. Little by little I am taking my life back, and it feels SO good!

Today I am linking up with Tanya for Prime Purchases. I did not link up last month, so this is a double whammy-- June and July. Let's have a look:

Adjustable Plant Stand-- Hi, my name is Lauren and I'm a crazy plant lady. We welcomed some new houseplants into our house in June and they needed some stands. Amazon to the rescue!

Bluey Monopoly Jr.-- I grew up in a big board game family and loved playing Monopoly Jr. with my family growing up. When I saw a Bluey version of it, I knew my kids would love it!

Reading Pillow-- Oh friends, this one makes me so SO happy. This reading pillow sits on my bed and I lean back on it while I read my book. It is super comfortable.

Handheld Vacuum-- Our kids took it upon themselves to vacuum using our old handheld vacuum several months ago (yay for them for taking initiative on chores!) but someone the charger disappeared into the air. We took the house apart looking for the old charger and never found it. When I saw these were on sale on Prime Day, I figured I'd just grab another.

Weighted Blanket-- Another huge hit-- It feels like a cozy hug while I'm sleeping.

Rosemary Oil-- One of my doctors recommended rosemary oil to help my hair grow back faster and stronger/healthier. I put a few drops on my scalp and massage it in, then wrap my head with a warm towel for 15 minutes or so. This would work if you have hair too! Not just for bald people like me. 😊

Sandals--  Tanya posted about these on her blog and I just so happened to need a new pair. I love the Jack Rogers style of sandal but actual Jack Rogers are NOT comfortable, so I prefer a knock off. These haven't come yet, but I'll report back once they do.

Citronella Candles-- We get our yard sprayed for mosquitoes and for the most part, it helps, but in the early evenings there is nothing that can stop those crazy things! We use our thermacells, but now I'm adding citronella's too. I want to be outside without getting eaten alive!

Thanks for reading along today! I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead.


  1. Love your purchases! I was a week early, too, thinking the link up would be tomorrow. Jack Rogers are the most painful thing I have ever put my feet into. It was torture. The Cushionaire brand on Amazon often has some good dupes for higher end brands and end up being way more comfy.
    Report back on the rosemary oil. I bet that is relaxing, too!

  2. I was thrown off by the calendar this week and almost posted today too! I forgot July had 31 days...duh. Anyway, thanks for posting. I hope you like the sandals as much as I have. I want to try that rosemary oil just for a "spa" treatment at home!

  3. I love those plant stands! Those sandals look fabulous.
