Monday, August 14, 2023

Not Just a Mom: What's Inside Our Handbags

Good morning friends! I hope you all had a wonderful week last week and a lovely weekend as well. We are in the midst of the back-to-school craziness over here, but I would be lying if I said, I didn’t love every single minute of it. It feels so good to be back at my old school, especially knowing that sweet Lily Grace is going to be just two doors down from me. I can’t wait to snoop on her throughout the day. Haha! 

Today the Not Just a Mom crew (Adrienne, Dara, Jen, Joanne, and Sarah) are linking up to show you what is in our handbags. I am looking forward to reading everyone else’s post, because I am such a nosy Nellie when it comes to stuff like this. I want to see what kind of handbag you have, but also what's in there. I am going to show you two of my handbags, my “formal” handbag, and the one I carry with me for everyday errands. 

Everyday "Handbag"

Up until this year, for as long as I can remember, I have always had a big purse. I loved having a big purse, because of how much I can fit in it, but those things can get heavy! After a couple friends telling me how much they loved their Lululemon belt bags, I bought myself one too. I love it so much and it is the "purse" I carry with me almost every day. I only swap out for the big one if I need a nicer purse for going somewhere. Let's have a look at what’s inside. 

When you open it up, this is what it looks like. Kind of a disorganized mess, but it's small so it's manageable. I pulled everything out (except the green & white badge in the pocket, that's my swiper card to get in the building at school and has personal info on it, so I didn't include a pic). Here's what else was in there:

- Car keys-- I used to have a keychain that the big pink ribbon was attached to, but the keychain broke. I like the pink ribbon because it makes it easier to grab the keys out of the bag.

- 2 chapsticks and a lipgloss

- a pen (of course it's a Flair pen... if you didn't already know, teachers are obsessed with Flair pens)

- sunglasses

- in the little brown pouch is my grandmother's rosary. I'm Catholic and always keep one with me in case I'm out somewhere and feel the need to take a little prayer break.

On the back of the bag, there's a little zippered pouch:

And inside that pouch is where I keep my driver's license, credit/debit cards, health insurance card, cash, etc.

Bigger "Formal" Handbag

Sometimes I need a nicer bag than the Lululemon one, and this Kate Spade one is my go-to. I love that it’s a neutral color because it will go with just about any outfit I wear, regardless of the season. Here’s what it looks like when you first open it:

My checkbook is in that side pocket, I keep pens in the zippered pouch, and my sunglasses are at the bottom. Here are all of the other things spread out on the table:

I have several of these little pouches that used to come from my Ipsy make-up bags every month. Inside each little pouch is where I organize the smaller items that go in my purse that I don't want floating freely around in there. Inside the gray and pink one I have tampons, chapstick, and lipstick. Now that I am seeing that written out in front of me, that’s kind of an odd combination. 

In the little lemon bag, I have hand lotions, hand creams and Aquaphor. I keep band-aids and Neosporin in here too.

I also have two coozies, my wallet, and a Ziploc bag filled with little tissues, antibacterial wipes, baby wipes, etc. In a little Lilly Pulitzer zippered pouch I keep a facemask for every family member just in case we go out somewhere where we need one, which, luckily, is very rare these days!

Thank you for following along today! If you are a blogger too, please link up with us below. Next month we will be covering our hobbies, I have a feeling you already know most of mine haha!

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  1. I think the belt bags are cool. But I still feel like I need room for a book and my water bottle in my bag! I'm glad I'm not the only one with a mask in my bag still!

  2. Here I was thinking I needed a cute bag to put all my Kleenex in and you have yours in a Ziploc bag -- that's so smart! I should start doing that. And I need to add a pen to my bag and now I want a Flair pen!

  3. You are so prepared - teacher mom skills right there! I like that you use your back pocket as your "wallet". I always put my phone in there, but it would be better to carry around some more cards and some cash.

  4. I do enjoy seeing what everyone carries around too; I'm nosy like that. I no longer carry masks with me but I do keep a box in the car just in case.

  5. The little pouches are a great idea for keeping all the bits and pieces organised. I love your Lululemon bag, I was just saying that I've had my eye on the pink belt bag for a while.
    Sorry if this comment comes through twice, not sure if my previous one went through.

  6. I hope the return to school goes well.
    I love having a nosy at things like this too.
    What a cute, everyday bag. It looks like it's small but big enough to carry everything that you need. I love your bigger bag too. It is the perfect colour to go with every outfit. Those little pouches are a great idea to keep everything organised.

  7. The pouches are such a good idea, especially if you like to change purses. Love the LL belt bag. My purse seems to get smaller with each passing year!

  8. I grab my belt bad when we go on adventures like to Cedar Point or somewhere it is just the kids and me. I need a cute bag like your Kate Spade.

  9. You are prepared for anything and so stylish at the same time! I love all the small zippered bags - I do prefer to keep all the small items I carry with me corralled somehow.

  10. I love all your little pouches. I need to order a few new ones.
