Wednesday, September 27, 2023

What’s Up Wednesday

 Hi friends! Happy end of September!

What We’re Eating This Week: We have my favorite crockpot butternut squash soup:

We are also having pasta with our favorite TJ's seasonal pasta sauce:

What I’m Loving: Heck yeah!!!!!

Hopefully we will be outside as much as possible this week!

Also loving this new watch face:

You can't tell from the picture but the leaves move and look like they're falling-- so cute and festive! I had to download a separate app called "WatchFaces" to get it. I hope they do a snow falling one for winter!!

What I’m Reminiscing About: The book I'm reading (you'll see below) starts with a foreword by someone who saw the book in a bookstore in Amsterdam, which brought back all the memories of the trip Devin and I took to Amsterdam in 2018.

It was such a beautiful time of year to be there. I remember the weather "feeling like fall" there while it still felt like summer back home.

I feel like we look so much younger and it was only 5 years ago! Kids sure age you-- haha!!

What I’m Working On: Attempting to get some outfits together for family photos! A coworker’s daughter recently decided she wants to start her own photography business, and she is taking pictures this fall in Blowing Rock. We were so happy to help a friend‘s daughter grow her business, and also to take pictures in one of our favorite places! It has me going down memory lane of fall family pictures in years past.




We didn't get them last year because Devin wanted to do them every other year instead. Anyone else's husband only like doing family pictures every other year? I am SO happy it's an "on" year! 

What I’m Excited About: 

I mean, aren’t we all? 😉

What I’m Watching/Reading: The Empress on Netflix. 

I’m such a history nerd and also love all things royalty, so this show was right up my alley!! My only complaint is that there is only one season, and Netflix hasn’t started filming the second season yet. Ugh! 

As for reading, one of my students at school has an ADHD diagnosis, just like our sweet girl. The student’s pediatrician recommended this book to the parents, and the parents told me about it. It’s a cute book about mindfulness activities for kids. I have done some of the activities with my own kids, and they really like them! It’s about slowing down, feeling your breath, and using your five senses to be aware of the world around you, among other things. It's cute!

What I’ve Been Listening To: it’s that time of year when Halloween KidzBop makes an appearance again. I have a love-hate relationship with it. It’s cute in the beginning, but six weeks from now you know I am going to be So. Over. It!!!

What I’ve Been Wearing: I had these big plans of taking an outfit picture in the morning before we left for school, but the sun isn’t up yet and my room is so dark! Not to mention, it’s a mad scramble to get everyone fed, dressed, hair brushed, teeth brushed and out the door by 7 am. So one day I recreated a whole bunch of the outfits I’ve been wearing.

Target Dress (you will not find this one in stores, it’s online only!)

Same Target dress, different color/denim jacket/sandals

Black dress, boots

Black dress (old, couldn't find a good link), brown sweater, sandals

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Hopefully not much of anything but relaxing!

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: All things Halloween!!!! We go very big with Halloween in our family, and this year will be no exception. As most of you know, we have skeletons in our front yard that we pose daily. This month is going to be particularly busy for us, so I sent out a neighborhood-wide email, asking other families if they wanted to take a day or two to pose them. It has been a big hit, and we have had 11 families sign up so far to take a turn posing the skeletons. I am so excited to see with the whole neighborhood can come up with!!

Best Amazon Buy: It's that time of the year where we aren't getting tan from the sun anymore, so bring on the tanning wipes!

Today I am linking up with Sheaffer and Shay for WUW. Have a great day!


  1. That is so cute that the neighborhood families will pose the skeletons! I like all your dresses as well. We just had family photos taken for the first time in like 10 years, so every other year sounds good to me!

  2. I love that you have neighbours pitching in to help with the skeletons this year! I love that watch face, I'll have to see what I can find!
    I always like to travel in the fall, maybe we will plan for Amsterdam next year :)

  3. I would be thrilled if I could get my husband to agree to family photos every other year... I think we've had family photos done maybe 3 or 4 times total! My boys all hate having their photos taken too so it's a LOT of work to get one on the books. In fact I should try to squeeze one last one in before Alec goes off to college... it has been 4 or 5 years since our last one.

    That Target dress is fabulous. I find it so much harder to take outfit photos now that it is so dark in the mornings. I'm trying to remember mid-day but then I don't feel nearly as put together since I often shed a layer by then.

  4. It sounds like you have a wonderful neighborhood! I can't wait to see what they come up with for the skeletons. Family pictures will be extra special this year as you wrap up such a challenging year.

  5. Oh! I haven't heard of Empress. I want to check it out. Can't wait to see your family photos. I'm the only one in my family who ever wants to get these done. haha
