Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What's Up Wednesday

Good morning and happy almost Thanksgiving!! I hope you all have a wonderful time with your families. 

At the risk of sounding super cheesy, please know how thankful I am for YOU this holiday! When I first started this blog a year and a half ago I had no idea what to expect. I really thought that only my family would read it (and even that was debatable). It's so nice to know that people actually come here and read my random thoughts and sometimes even take the time to comment! Thank you for making this hobby of mine so much more enjoyable 😁

Time for What's Up Wednesday!
What We're Eating This Week: This is going to sound weird, but I made the most delicious carrot soup last night. I told Devin we were eating carrot soup and his reaction was "What are we, rabbits?" (insert me rolling my eyes here). I told my mom I made it and her reaction was "Hmm...". I told my sister and she said "But... doesn't it just taste like carrots? I'm not sure I'd be into that". I know it sounds weird, but you're going to have to trust me when I tell you it was delicious. Devin ended up having 2 bowls and Lily Grace, who is 2.5, ate her whole bowl. 

It had honey goat cheese and candied pecans with it, and we could not get enough! 
We also recently had this butternut squash soup which was delicious...
and these lemon parmesan Brussel sprouts.

I've already blogged the butternut squash soup recipe, but hope to blog the other two soon!
What I'm Reminiscing About: We are off to Disney World next month and it has me thinking about our last trip to Disney World when Lily Grace was just a baby.
Devin and I ran the WDW Marathon and our sweet girl was our #1 cheerleader. Both sets of grandparents were there and my younger sister too. It was a blast and I cannot wait to take her back at her current age because she is going to have SO much fun! Liam won't have a clue what's going on, but I'm sure he will like all the different sounds and bright lights!
What I'm Loving: I am LOVING how seamlessly we blended into a family of 4 these past 2 months. We have been so lucky with how easy the transition was from 3 to 4 and keep pinching ourselves like "okay when is the other shoe going to drop?". I know it won't be this easy forever so right now we are just trying to soak the calmness up while we have it!
What We've Been Up To: SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT, PRAISE JESUS!!! I'm not sure that's the kind of answer ya'll were looking for there, but in the life of a mom with a new baby, it's the only thing that matters!! I read and followed Baby Wise with both kiddos and swear by it. 
Did any of you read Baby Wise?? I know it isn't for everyone, but it certainly worked for us!
What I'm Dreading: For some reason we thought it was a good idea to drive 8+ hours to Disney next month. We were thinking we would have too much stuff to lug through an airport and that the kiddos would sleep if we drove at night. Now that it's almost here I'm beginning to wonder if we were fools. I'll report back next month 😉
What I'm Working On: New Year's Resolutions for 2020. Anybody else? I'm such a goal oriented person and love to set new goals for myself. 
What I'm Excited About: Blowing Rock, NC for Thanksgiving and DISNEY shortly after-- woohoo!!
What I'm Watching/Reading: Watching: I had 3 separate friends recommend Schitt's Creek to me and thought I'd give it a shot. 
It's light, fun and hilarious! Perfect for when you want a quick, happy show. 
Reading: I read Educated this month and could not stop talking about it. I LOVED it, but it was definitely a heavy read. 
After I was done I needed something lighter and have read a few cheesy Christmas books like Alaskan Holiday. I'll post my monthly book review next week.
What I'm Listening To: You mean when I'm not being forced to listen to KidzBop Christmas? 😉 And still KidzBop Halloween on occasion..
Michael Buble Holiday on Pandora is my go-to this time of year! 
What I'm Wearing: I'm rotating through all my Amazon purchases from the past 2 months. These pictures are old because I rarely have time to wash my hair these days (#newbornlife) but these are the outfits:
Tie-Knot Sweater/Jeans (on sale now!)/Boots
You can see more of my Amazon outfits here:
What I'm Doing This Weekend: We are headed to Blowing Rock, NC this weekend to be with my family for Thanksgiving. 
LG and I hiking near Blowing Rock last fall.
There also may be a visit to the movie theater to see Anna and Elsa in our weekend plans!
How many of you have seen it? Think it'll keep a 2.5 year old's attention? She LOVES the original Frozen but usually can only sit through the first 30ish minutes... we're debating whether we should give it a shot or just wait until it's on Disney+ (anyone else obsessed with Disney+?!).
What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Have I mentioned yet that we're going to Disney?! 😉 
What Else Is New: Maternity leave is over towards the end of this month and I will go back for 3 days before Christmas break. I cannot believe how quickly my maternity leave has gone by and I have mixed feelings about it. I am LOVING being at home with both of my kiddos and am sad that I won't get to spend every single day with them anymore. That being said, I know how much I also love my job and I am also excited to get back to seeing those sweet kiddos and my coworkers, who I honestly love like family. I am SO grateful my job is part time because it feels like I get the best of both worlds. Let's hope I still feel that way once I'm back!

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING!!!!


  1. We have a carrot-dill soup made with cream that we just call "Auntie Lorna's Really Good Carrot Soup." Sometimes, that's all you need :)

    We became a family of four eight and a half years ago and it still feels like a pretty seamless transition. It might just stay that way. And I will send some thoughts and prayers for your overnight drive. I hope it goes well.

    1. Agreed! When the ingredients are delicious, it's all you need!

      And thank you!!

  2. I too thought only family would read my blog and after having kept it going for more than 5 years I can honestly say that my family hardly ever reads it! I too am so thankful for all the connections I made while blogging. I am hoping you have a wonderful drive to Disney next month and that the kids sleep through it all.

    1. 5 years! That's impressive!! I hope I'm still doing this for years to come 😊 And thank you!

  3. Disney at Christmas!! That sounds like so much fun! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you!! I'd say "you too" but I'm not sure if you celebrate in Canada?!

  4. I see that you all have spent a wonderful time. I am very happy for you. Also, I would like to know the recipe of the meals you have showed.
