Monday, April 29, 2019

Monthly Goals-- May

Happy Monday friends! I hope you all had a good weekend. Our weekend looked a little like this:

And then a lot like this:
Soaking up as much outside time as possible while hiking one of our favorite nearby mountains. #heavenonearth

Tomorrow is the last day of April which means May, aka May-cember (the CRAZY time at the end of the school year) is about to begin! Its one of those ridiculously busy but also ridiculously fun times of the year where life seems to pack everything into one month... and I love it! Is it hectic? Yes. Can it be stressful? Absolutely. But if you try to look past that and just enjoy it all, it can be a blast. 

Let's take a look at last month before we jump ahead to next month.
1. Spring Clean our House- Eh. Define "spring clean". Did we keep our house super tidy? Yes. Did I scrub every square inch of it? No. Not everything was cleaned to perfection, but we just did a major overhaul clean in February, so I wasn't too worried about it/focused on it. I chose to spend my time playing with Lil and Devin, and I don't regret it for one second.
2. Plan/Prep Devin's Birthday- Ladies, I have said it before and I'll say it again: Writing these monthly goals down as a blog post has helped me to stay so much more accountable. If the world sees that I was supposed to do something and I fail, I'm a lot more likely to get my butt in gear and make it happen. Devin's birthday this year was probably one of the most fun birthdays he has had in recent memory, all due to planning it more than a few days in advance. Planning ahead makes everything go more smoothly and is more enjoyable (at least in my experience). We had such a blast, and I plan to write a post about his birthday later this week.
3. Plan/Prep Lily Grace's Birthday- All planned and prepped! It is going to be so easy this year and I can't wait to share more about it with you all in the next few weeks. She is having an "Ice Cream Sundae Bar" theme at a local park playground. Simple, easy and fun.
4. Meet Fitbit goal of 12k steps 5 days/week- I didn't get this one every single week, but I got it 3/4 weeks, so I'll count it as a win. It feels so good to be back in the habit of walking again. I feel more energetic, I am sleeping better at night, and it feels SO good to get out in the sunshine and get some fresh air!
5. Read at least 3 books- Finishing my 3rd book any day now! Not sure I'll get another one squeezed in before the end of the month, but I can at least make a dent in it before May begins.  Book review should be out later this week!

And now, let's look ahead to next month:
1. Get our garden up and running-- this is something we probably should've done towards the end of last month, but oh well. My goal is for us to have our veggie garden prepped and planted no later than May 15th. Gardening is one of my favorite activities, we need to get on it!
2. Meet Fitbit goal of 12k steps at least 5 times per week-- I did this in April and felt fantastic, so this one is back on the list again!
3. Put x amount of money into our savings account-- Devin and I set a goal for ourselves each month of how much money we would like to set aside to save/invest. This changes each month depending on how much we have going on. Big vacation? Probably not saving a whole lot. Pretty low key month? Time to save up!
4. Read at least 4 books-- my plan is to get started on book #1 today or tomorrow so I will probably have a big dent in it before May even begins. That being said, May-cember can get a little crazy so who knows if I'll actually get to read that many!

I hope you all have a great start to your week! Thanks for stopping by :)