Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Book Club-- April

Good Morning and happy first day of May! I understand that summer doesn't officially begin until June 21st, but in my mind we are more or less there. In our neck of the woods the temperatures will regularly be 80ish from here on out, so while technically it is still spring, it definitely feels like summer! Bring on the iced lemonade, the front porch sitting, and book after book after book!

For the past few months it has felt like I've read several books that were "duds". I am SO happy to report that every single book I read this month was a winner, and I know that you'll love them too! 
My first, and favorite book, was:
1. Where the Crawdads Sing-- Ladies, if you have not read this yet, put this book in your Amazon cart RIGHT NOW! I am an avid reader. I read 35+ books a year from a variety of genres and can honestly say this book may be one of my very favorite books of all time. Yes, you read that correctly, OF ALL TIME! Without giving away too much, this book is about a girl who grows up in the marshes of NC and is an outcast in the nearby town. A man is found dead, possibly murder, and this "marsh girl" is the #1 suspect. The language in this book is so descriptive I could literally picture myself right there in the marshes with the characters. As if you needed any more motivation to read this, Reese Witherspoon's production company is already in the process of turning it into a movie. I promise you won't regret reading this book!! Since I love to give my books a letter grade, this one gets an A+!
2. The Ideal Team Player-- This book was recommended to us by a speaker at a professional development a few weeks back. Since I really liked the speaker, I figured I'd give it a shot. I'm so happy I did! This book is about the qualities of the type of person who makes up an ideal team player in the workplace environment: someone who is humble, hungry, and smart (not necessarily intellectually, but people smart). It discusses why these qualities are important at work, and how to identify them in employees. My father in law owns his own company and I recommended it to him to assist with hiring the right people-- he loved it! The Chief of Talent at Chick-fil-a loved and endorsed this book too-- and if you've ever been to Chick-fil-a, you know how happy, dedicated, wonderful their employees are.
I felt like these qualities also transferred into being a good team player in life as well. I felt they could help me to be a better spouse, friend, mom, etc. It's a super quick book and definitely worth a read! I give it an A.
Girl, Stop Apologizing-- A few months back I read Rachel's other book Girl, Wash Your Face after reading so much about it online. That book, for me, lived up to all the hype and I became a total Rachel Hollis fangirl. I wrote about how much I loved it here. Since then I have been listening to Rachel's podcasts, following her on social media, and even watched her documentary when it was on Amazon Prime. Like I said, total fan girl. I really did like this book, but my only complaint was that it felt a little repetitive. She has covered a lot of this information already in her podcasts and in the documentary, so very little of it was "new" to me. That being said, it is all very valuable and helpful information and I loved reading it. I flew through it too! I give this book an A+ too. 

I am SO happy that I finally got to read 3 really good books in a row after reading so many ones that were kind of blah. What are you reading right now? Anything I should add to my list??


  1. I've heard great reviews on Where the Crawdads Sing and Girl, Stop Apologizing are they're both on my reading list. Ideal Team Player sounds like a good read too!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  2. I am still waiting (rather impatiently!) for Where the Crawdads Sing to come for me at our library. I've had it on hold for a while and can't wait to read it. I read a good 5-6 books a month most months but I am always looking for new books to add to my list.

  3. Delia Owens is from my town (Thomasville, Georgia) and went to high school with my sister. She has led an amazing life. We are so proud of her! And what an awesome novel!! Look up her other NF books...Cry of the Kalahari, etc... Our town picks a book to read each fall, and the author comes and speaks, and this year our One Book is Crawdads! Delia will be here in September to speak to her hometown crowd!
