Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Monthly Goals-- June 2019

Hi there! I am a little behind the curve in getting around to my monthly goals post seeing as it is already the 10th-- oops! But better late than never right?? Before we begin with the month of July, let's look at how June went:

1. Relax and Enjoy Colorado- This was an easy one! We had such a blast on this trip and it was the perfect kick off to summer. If you want to read about our trip you can read my posts here:
2. Keep Up With Exercise- I actually did pretty well with this one! I'm not sure I got to my 5 days/week every single week, but I did overall. I need to rest and put my feet up a little more often with this pregnancy than with the last, so I'm trying to listen to my body and not overdo it. I will count this one as a win!
3. Spend As Much Time As Possible Outside- We really did! We spent a lot of outside time in Colorado and as much as we could while here at home. Ya'll it gets HOT and HUMID here fast in the summer, so we can only play outside for a little bit in the morning. That being said, we do try to go to the pool in the evenings with Dev when he gets off work, and we ended our month at the beach so this girl was outside as much as possible!
4. Deep Clean the House- Haha, NOPE! I definitely kept it tidied up and cleaned as much as I normally do.. but was I scrubbing baseboards and steam cleaning the carpets this month? Nope.
5. Read at Least 3 Books- I did! I read some really good ones too and can't wait to share with you this Friday!

And now for the month of July:
1. Get That Nursery Prepped- This is my #1 goal by far! Even if I get nothing else accomplished this month, I really need to get moving on this one. I started having some Braxton Hicks contractions last week and it was kind of a wake up call of "Holy Cow we haven't even STARTED on the nursery!!". We are only 10 weeks away from baby's arrival (assuming he/she comes on time!). We need to get to work! I understand that the baby isn't going to sleep in the nursery right away anyway... but we are not going to have the time/energy to be putting it together once the baby comes. I will be sure to post pictures and updates once it's done!
2. Read 3 books- I've already finished 1 and started on 2 others, so hopefully this won't be too daunting of a task!
3. Drink A Glass Of Water First Thing- There are some days I notice I haven't had a single glass of water until lunchtime-- yikes! Then I end up chugging water all afternoon/evening to make up for it and end up going to the bathroom multiple times a night. I want to try to remember to start drinking water earlier in the morning and start the day right. 
4. Begin On Maternity Sub Plans- I started this a little bit while Lily Grace was napping at the beach, but I have quite a bit left to do! I figure the sooner I can cross this off my to-do list, the better!

Thanks for reading along with my monthly goals. I LOVE to read your goals for the month too because I get so many good ideas from them! Have a great rest of the week, I'll see you back here Friday!

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