Monday, July 22, 2019

Weekend Highlights

Good morning and happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Ours was the first weekend we've had in awhile that wasn't crazy busy with scheduled activities, so we had a decent chunk of time to relax and get stuff done around the house. It was SO nice! 

On Friday we hosted a going away party for a friend. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to someone we love but also so wonderful to get to spend more time with her before she did. I wrote a post about what all I do to prep for hosting a party last Friday, which you can read here. One of the food items I prepped was a charcuterie board, which I took a picture of here before I put it all together:

I love to grab this gourmet deli selection, an additional meat, the blueberry goat cheese log, and a brie to bake. Then I add some other goodies to it, and this is what the (almost) finished product looked like below:
I added some fruit and crackers, then a little after everyone was there, I popped the brie into the oven with some honey drizzled on top. It was a hit and SO easy! I also prep a backup plate of meat and extra fruit to keep the board full while people are snacking. This way I don't have to cut up/prep more while the guests are there. I'd rather be hanging out with them!

I also put together these limelight hydrangeas that Lily Grace and I cut from our yard.
Then it was time for the party, and I was too busy having fun and being the hostess that I didn't take any pictures. We all talked and hung out for several hours and then finished the night playing this game, which was a HUGE hit! 
If you haven't played it before, I highly recommend it. It remind me of Clue in a way but it moves much faster and you are pitted against one another, making it fun.

The following morning we woke up and Lily Grace did some art on the porch while I drank my coffee and Devin got started painting the nursery. He did one coat and then we went for a walk while we waited on it to dry.

 Saturday afternoon Devin finished painting the nursery with a second coat. The color we went with was Sea Salt by Sherwin Williams. We have it in other rooms in our house and absolutely love it. It's kind of hard to tell in pictures but it is a very light teal. We felt it was gender neutral enough to work for both a boy or a girl.
While he was painting, I read The Alice Network
I am about half way through and loving it!
 Then Lily Grace woke up and we went to the pool. Unfortunately this is the only picture I grabbed from the pool-- oops! We swam in the outside "big pool", the splash park, and then LG wanted to come inside and do the little kid water slide a few times before we went home. 
 On Sunday morning we woke up and headed to church. I wore my new favorite Amazon dress (with pockets!!). Please disregard the incredibly messy room and half naked toddler running around in the background-- hah!
Then we headed to Ikea to grab some curtains for the nursery. We love the curtains from Ikea and have bought the RITVA Curtains with the sheer Teresia ones to go behind them. We love that the sheer ones allow for privacy while still letting in a lot of natural light, while the Ritva ones have a nicer look to them.
Lil had a blast playing in the kids area for a bit. 
 On our way home we had the most beautiful view of Charlotte. It was such a gorgeous day and the skyline was really showing off 😍
I then headed here to get our food for the week while LG napped and Devin hung the curtains in the nursery. Then I came home to read more Alice Network, make dinner, and wind down for the night. It was a very busy, but very fun weekend! I love how much progress we were able to make on the nursery this week and feel like we are about 80% done-- thank the LORD! I was starting to get nervous about the amount of stuff we had left to do, but I feel so much better now that we have a lot of it checked off our list!

I hope you all had a happy, fun, productive weekend too! 


  1. Such a pretty and calming wall color! I LOVED the Alice Network.. there was one part in the middle where I just could not put it down.

    1. Just finished it last night and I know exactly which point you're talking about!!

  2. I love that wall color! There's something about a seriously peaceful gray that just speaks to my soul! Also, you look beautiful! Hope you're feeling well! Found your blog through the Friday blog hop, and so glad I did! :)

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