Monday, March 22, 2021

Easter Basket Ideas

 Good morning friends!! I remember Jennifer posting this before Christmas and me laughing out loud because it rang so true for us 😂

So here we are getting ready to prepare our Easter baskets, and I'm basically following the same mentality. "You're out of bubbles for the backyard? Let's hope the Easter bunny brings some" 😉 We leave for Florida next week and our kids Easter baskets this year are kind of a conglomerate of things they will need for the beach/flight and then some things we need to stock up on at home for the summer. Let's start with Lily Grace's:

 And now for Liam's:

Water Wow Book / Watercolor Paints / Swimsuit with Rash Guard / No Spill Bubbles  Egg Chalk / Little Critter Book  / Bubble Mower 

So as you can see we have a few airplane actives and swimsuits for the beach, then some fun stuff for the backyard this summer. We also always throw some eggs with candy in there too-- although I won't lie I may or may not have already broken into the bags of Easter candy. Oops! I guess I'll have to buy some more 😉 

Are you doing Easter baskets this year? What are you planning to put in them?? I hope you all have a great Monday! See you back here on Wednesday.


  1. haha I still love that meme. I bought my kids some gifts, but they will still receive a new tooth brush and smaller odds and ends in their basket. You shared such great ideas for younger ones.I remember how much Hayden loved his bubble mower, and Hadley loved the note pads/art. I hope you all have a great Easter.

    1. Awww I can just picture them playing with those things! Your kids are so sweet
