Wednesday, September 28, 2022

What's Up Wednesday!

Hello hello! Here we are at the end of September, can you believe it? The whirlwind of starting back to school made the month fly by especially fast for us. It was a crazy month, but a good one!

What We're Eating This Week: This week we are having all the yummy fall comfort foods! 
On Monday I made spaghetti squash and tossed it in this fall sauce from Trader Joe's. This sauce is the BEST!! I usually stock up this time of year and then enjoy it for months to come once they've stopped selling it. 

On Tuesday we had shrimp tacos (not very "fall" but whatever!)

Tonight we are having "brinner" with some pumpkin waffles, fresh fruit, and some fried eggs over toast. 
Thursday we are having stuffed acorn squash.
The weather is supposed to turn crummy on Friday so we will probably have my crockpot butternut squash soup with a baguette & goat cheese. That just sounds good on a dreary night, doesn't it?
What I'm Reminiscing About: Two years ago at this time our house was under renovation! 
At the time it felt like it would go on forever, but now it's hard to remember our house as it was before we renovated. I am also reminiscing about how little and sweet my kiddos were during the renovation:
Time is a thief. I love them in their current stages too, but oh man I would do anything to hop in a time machine and love on those little babies again!

What I'm Loving: Okay this is a weird one... but doing carpool with Lily Grace. She is going to kindergarten at the school I used to teach at and I love getting to see some of my old teacher friends when I drop her off in the morning! This morning the art teacher opened her door, yesterday it was the counselor, both of whom are my friends. We make it into a fun little game of "who will open the door today?" and LG and I both enjoy it. And I know this sounds weird, but I find the afternoon carpool calming. It is probably the only time of day where I get to just sit down for a few minutes and not do anything. It's like my little break time. I am sure there are a few of you out there who now think I'm a lunatic. 😆

What We've Been Up To: Figuring out life with this new crazy schedule, and I won't lie to you-- it has been a bumpy adjustment! I plan to do a "Day in the Life" post sometime soon to show you what life is like for us these days. 
What I'm Working On: Prepping for our 31 Days of Skeletons! See more below. 😊

What I'm Watching/Reading: I'm currently reading "The Woman in the Window" and so far, I really like it! It's too soon to tell though. Have any of you read it?
As for watching, you all know I'm the worst when it comes to recommending shows. We hardly watch TV and when we do it's something the rest of the world was raving about 6 months ago. 😆 I am open to your recommendations though! Leave me a comment of something you'd recommend!

What I'm Listening To: The Woman in the Window on audiobook. 😉

What I'm Wearing: A lot of these pictures are old, but these outfits have been on repeat:

Gingham Shirt/Green Pants/Leopard Flats (old, but similar here)

Black Leggings/Black Tee/Brown Kimono (I wish I had a better link for you, but I couldn't seem to find anything that looked similar to this and it's super old. Here are some options: hereherehere, and this one isn't very similar, but cute). 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Yikes! We had fun plans to do some outdoorsy things on Saturday but Hurricane Ian is throwing a wrench in those plans. While obviously the hurricane will be significantly less dangerous by the time it gets to us, we will still have quite a bit of rain this coming weekend. We are going to have to brainstorm a backup plan! Luckily we have a birthday party on Sunday so the kiddos can get some energy out then!
What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Like I'm sure many of you, we are getting excited about all things Halloween! Remember our 31 days of skeletons last year? Well the Skelly family is back again this year!
I'm not exaggerating, a couple weeks ago the FedEx guy stopped by our house not to deliver a package but to ask if we were doing the skeletons again this year. 😂 He said he drove by our house even on the days he had off work. He told me he was going to take a picture every day and post them to TikTok so he could go viral. 😂 I was cracking up!!!

1000 Hours Outside Update: Despite being back in school, we are still doing pretty well with getting some outside time in! Most school days we get 2 hours, and then on the weekends we average 4. Our total count since we started in June is 374 hours so far. The more time we spend outside, the more we crave spending time outside. This little experiment has been so good for all of us!

Today I am linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday. See you back here on Friday! 


  1. That is hilarious that the FedEx guy is so excited about your skeletons (though you all are SO SO creative with them!). I used to enjoy carpool time with my boys too; it's a great time to just sit and be and spend time with them without any major distractions.

  2. The skeletons are so fun, and I love that the fed ex guy is anxiously awaiting them. I know just what you mean about the carpool line. It used to be my time to catch up reading. I need to get some of that autumn pasta sauce - looks delicious. Stay dry this weekend.

  3. I have two acorn squash in our pantry waiting to be stuffed. So good!!! And I'm no help with "watching" because all I watch is baseball during baseball season and Hallmark movies in November and December.

  4. I need to try that sauce from Trader Joe's! Can't wait to see what the Skelly family is up to!

  5. I'm excited about the skeletons!! I have added your soup recipe to my ongoing list of meal ideas! I love having a baguette with something to spread on it too.

  6. I cannot believe your renovation was TWO years ago! I've been following along longer than that - maybe not commenting or actually virtual friends, but dang time flies :)

  7. i need to try that pasta sauce from Trader Joes. i am excited for your skeleton adventures again
