Today's topic is all about how I meal plan for our family. It's really pretty simple, so hopefully I can keep this short and sweet!
I meal plan every Sunday morning for the upcoming week using our "What to Eat" planner. I try to think about what we have that needs to be used up and plan that for Sunday night's dinner, then plan the rest of the week using my various cookbooks/recipes/Pinterest/apps.
We used to get Blue Apron for awhile and I kept all of the recipes I liked and put them in a 3 ring binder with sheet protectors. I also put my recipes from friends/family/magazines in my binders with sheet protectors too.
My favorite go-to cookbook is Eats from Shay Shull (Mix and Match Mama). I love the way it is organized by months because she always seems to know what we are in the mood for each month. :)
I try to plan at least 4-5 meals a week from the Sweat app because I know they'll be healthy. This is including breakfast, snacks, and lunches.
And then I usually browse Pinterest for any meals I haven't filled out yet on our "What to Eat" planner.
As I am going through my recipes, I write out a shopping list of EVERYTHING I need, even if I think we already have it. Then, I go to check the kitchen to make sure I ACTUALLY DO HAVE IT. Is there anything more frustrating than when you are in the middle of cooking and realize that can of tomatoes you SWORE you had isn't there anymore? This helps to eliminate that by making me double check everything I have. You never know when a certain family member has used up an ingredient you thought was there.
Then, we go to the grocery store as a family on Sundays and our shopping is done for the week! Pretty simple, right? What about you? How do you meal plan??
I have learned to look and make sure I have the ingredients I think I have on hand too; there is nothing more annoying than doing all the groceries and discovering that I am in fact missing a key ingredient.