Monday, October 21, 2019

Meal Planning Monday-- 21 Day Fix Recipes

Good morning friends and happy Monday! This week Devin and I are trying to get back on track to eating healthy. We have not been very good about eating a healthy, well balanced diet the past month as we've been in New-Baby-Survival- Mode and it is starting to show 😬. I know that the sweet treats of Halloween are around the corner, then Thanksgiving, and then all the delicious food Christmas brings. We are trying to get back into the healthy mindset so we can indulge in the sweet treats here and there without totally blowing a healthy diet.  We are going to start doing the 21 Day Fix **eating** program starting Wednesday and I wanted to share some of my favorite 21DF approved recipes (We are only doing the nutrition portion of 21DF since I haven't been cleared to exercise yet by my doctor. Devin is planning to work out, but just do his own thing at the gym). 
Why 21 Day Fix?

Years ago some girlfriends and I all did 21 Day Fix together. If you aren't familiar with 21 Day Fix, it is a food and workout program that focuses on portion control and paying attention to what you are eating. I had always thought of myself as a really healthy eater up until doing 21DF, which made me much more aware not only of what I was eating (a lot more carbs than I thought!), but what I wasn't eating (not nearly enough veggies).

Completing the 21 day program completely changed how I look at eating/plan my meals. I really strive to eat a serving of vegetables at every meal (even breakfast-- I'll add spinach to a smoothie or something) and try to have veggies or fruit as a snack. If you want to know more about 21DF, I'll add Autumn's (the creator) video at the bottom for you to watch. Also, if you're interested in the portion size containers, I think they're available through Beachbody, but they have several knockoff/cheaper versions on Amazon. Otherwise, here are some of my favorite 21DF recipes:

And here is the video explaining the food process in more detail:

I always feel like the first 2 days of trying something new are the hardest.. then once you're over the hump of those first 2 days it gets much easier. Have any of you tried 21DF? I'd love to know your thoughts on it. Leave a comment below! 

Have a great week! 

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