Hi There! It's no secret that I love to listen to audiobooks when I am out for a run, getting ready after showering, or driving around doing errands but my NEW favorite thing is to listen to podcasts. Depending on what I'm in the mood for I can find something inspirational, informative, or pop-culture & mindless and they're all somewhere between 25-45 minutes long. Dev and I both left Apple and iPhones a few years ago, so since we don't have iTunes, I listen to my podcasts on the Stitcher app. These are the perfect way to distract myself while trying to do some of the household chores I hate most (especially the dishes, why are there always SO MANY DISHES?!?).
These are the ones I listen to the most frequently:
1. The Daily- This podcast is done by the New York Times and is a 20 minute look at one of the biggest stories going on at the time. I love that they are able to get more in-depth than a typical news article or blast on TV would, and I feel like I understand current events more deeply from listening to this. I also feel like they present ALL sides in this podcast when discussing a topic, which I love.

2. Rise- This is Rachel Hollis' podcast and I love hearing her talk about how she built her businesses and the advice she gives to other people. She often interviews other business owners or professional speakers and I love hearing what they have to say.

3. Rise Together- This is Rachel Hollis and her husband Dave discussing marriage, how they have handled difficult circumstances and what they've done to get through difficult times. I love hearing stuff like this and keeping it in my back pocket in case Dev and I ever go through a similar situation in the future, we will hopefully be better able to handle it with more information.

4. How I Built This- This is a podcast by NPR where entrepreneurs tell the story of building their business. They have everyone from the founders of Melissa and Doug toys to the Lululemon founders to the founder of Lyft all tell about building their business from the ground up and adversity they have experienced along the way. It is such a fascinating podcast!

5. The Almost Famous Podcast- Any other Bachelor franchise lovers out there? Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti's podcast is a fun recap each week of what is happening on the Bachelor and also keeps you up with what is going on with Bachelor alums after the show wraps. Ben and Ashley are great co-hosts and feed off of each other well. If you're in the mood for something light and "fluff", this is a great one!

6. Babes and Babies- This is one I kind of go back and forth on... I don't listen to it quite as often because some episodes can be great, while others can be veeerrrrryyyy slow. This one is from 3 Bachelor alums: two moms and one doula. They tell their stories of pregnancy/motherhood and interview other moms. I loved their recent episode where they interviewed Amber Fillerup from Barefoot Blonde!
Those are my favorites! What podcasts are you listening to? Anything I should add to my list?
Those are my favorites! What podcasts are you listening to? Anything I should add to my list?
I like to listen to another mother runner podcasts when I run. It’s like chatting with a girlfriend, except I don’t have to think. 😊
ReplyDeleteOh that sounds right up my alley! Thanks for the recommendation, I'll add it to my list!