Friday, May 15, 2020

Toys for Outside Play

Good morning friends and happy Friday! The weather where we live is finally consistently warm which means we are outside NONSTOP! I made a little roundup of some of our favorite toys for playing outside and figured I'd share. I bet a lot of you are in the same boat we are!

Little Tikes Slide-- I bought this for LG for Easter last year and we have definitely gotten our moneys worth! We use this thing outside on a nice day and inside on a rainy day. It's so light and easy to bring back and forth from the playroom. 
Inflatable Pool with Bench-- They are price gauging these things like CRAZY on Amazon, so you are much better off buying it from Target! One of our friends bought one last year off Amazon for $40 and now they're charging $180 for the exact same one. Isn't that nuts?? We looked online at Target and one of our local stores had it. We called and had them put it on hold for us at customer service and then went to pick it up. Not too bad!
Wiffle Ball Set-- I have the most fond memories of playing wiffle ball with my sisters and neighbors in our cup-de-sac growing up. I love how much Lily Grace is loving it too! We haven't bought a tee yet, but I'm sure that we will get one by the end of the summer.
Bases Set-- We can't play baseball without a set of bases! 
Backyard Golf Set-- I also have some really fond memories of going to play mini golf with my family growing up. We had a mini golf place about 5 minutes from our house in Ohio and went there all the time! We aren't taking our kiddos to play mini golf anytime soon, so the backyard set will have to do! Devin joked that he's going to get all crafty and set up some obstacles for them like at a real mini golf course, but he has yet to do it. I'll keep you posted 😀

Bowling Set-- I have actually had this bowling set for years (like pre-kids!) because we used it a lot when I taught kindergarten. When we did our subtraction unit in math I would let the kids play this as a center with my assistant. It was such a fun hands-on way to learn subtraction to 10. 10 pins minus however many you knock down equals how many left? The kids always loved this center!
Play-Doh Ocean Set-- We play with our Play-Doh outside whenever we can because those little crumbs inevitably get everywhere and I don't want them smashed into my rug! We play on our IKEA Latt table. Unfortunately this exact set is another one of those things that Amazon jacked the price up on but they have a bunch of other really cute sets, including this grill one.
Today I am linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

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