Sunday, July 5, 2020

Blog Changes

Hi there friends! So if you've been reading here for awhile you know that my blog used to be called All About That Mommy Life. If you look around this blog today, you'll see that is no longer the title. I wanted to give just a little explanation as to why I changed the name, just in case you're wondering!

Two years ago when I started this blog I had no idea what I wanted the "theme" to be and didn't know what I wanted to name the blog. I was afraid if I didn't just pick something, I would never get started. I knew I would be writing about my adventures as a mom, but what I didn't anticipate was that I would actually end up being so much about my life as not just a mom. The theme for my monthly link ups with Adrienne, Ashley, Dara, and Sarita hits the nail right on the head!

This blog has definitely been about my adventures as a mom, but also my journey through my pregnancies and fitness (and fitness during pregnancies). It has been about trying to live a healthier life with healthy food. It has been about trying to keep up my mental health with monthly/yearly goals, reading a variety of books and listening to a variety of podcasts. It has been about traveling, both as a family and as just a husband and wife. It has been entertaining tips and tricks. And lets be real... it has been a lot of shopping 😂.

The name All About That Mommy Life didn't really seem to fit anymore, because the blog has turned out to be so much more than just my life as a mom. Hence, the new name. 

Why "Don't Mind Our Mess"? Well, if I've learned anything over the past 3 years of motherhood... it's that kids are MESSY. Despite how crazy organized their parents might attempt to be. And I feel like anytime I'm ever entertaining guests, especially in this phase of life we're in right now with two young kids, I am always saying "don't mind the mess, the kids are still playing with those toys".. or "don't mind the mess, I was in the middle of cleaning that but then had a diaper to change instead", etc. "Don't mind our mess" is something I say on just about a daily basis... and if you currently have or have had young kids too, then you know what I'm talking about 😉.

This blog is going to continue to be about that things it has been for the past two years: 
- family life
- fitness
- healthy living
- reading
- travel
- shopping
and more.

If you've been following along for awhile, THANK YOU! It makes blogging so much more fun to have other blogging "friends" to interact with. If you're new, stick around! Hopefully there's something here that'll grab your attention 😊

I hope you have a great rest of your day! See you back here tomorrow.


  1. Congrats on the renaming! Do you think you will switch over everything else too?? Instagram, etc?

    How was your 4th of July? Do anything fun or exciting??

    1. Thanks!! I did bring back my old blog Instagram and changed the name to @dontmindourmess if you want to follow over there! I still have my personal account @lcdarrell.. I haven't quite figured out whether or not I want to keep up with two. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'll just play that one by ear!

  2. I love the new theme and the new name. I totally understand you, completely. I look around @ my blog and think, what am I going to do if I have a second baby? Haha! And lately it feels like 'adventures' are the last thing we're up to... Thanks 2020!

    Your new blog name and theme is great and your readers are behind you! :)

  3. Congrats! I changed my blog over in November and I still feel like I'm finding things I need to change to go with it.. because I too was writing more about me and my life than I was about unschooling/homeschooling and the title just didn't fit anymore.

    1. It's so hard to pick a name from the beginning without knowing the direction you'll end up taking!! I keep finding little things I still need to do, but I'll get to them eventually! Do you use Blogger or Wordpress?

  4. I love the name of your blog! My blog began with thoughts on healthy food options but I found that I loved sharing more about fashion than food. I still share on food, but...Anyway, I've thought about changing the Granola & Grace to something else but nothing strikes me yet. Have a wonderful day!

    1. It's so hard to come up with a name you love and want to keep forever!
