Monday, May 4, 2020

Monthly Goals- May

Hello hello, happy Monday! I was talking to a girlfriend last week and we were both saying how this quarantine feels like it has been dragging on, yet somehow we've already been doing this for 8 weeks. Isn't that crazy?? That is an absurd amount of time to be locked up in your house. 

I'm not sure about where you live, but in NC we are beginning Phase 1 of opening back up. Opening up is being split into 3 phases. Phase 1 begins this week and if it goes well for 2-3 weeks, we can begin phase 2 (restaurants and bars can open but with extra precaution taken, public playgrounds can open, churches can have small gatherings, etc.). Once phase 2 goes well for 2-3 weeks, then we begin phase 3 (more things open, but with precaution taken). It seems like a lot, but I feel hopeful having a concrete plan in place.

Anyway, a new month has begun and it is time to set some goals for the month!
I love May. Normally it is a crazy busy, hectic-to-the-point-of-stressful time of year at school. It is always one of the most fun months, but life can get a little hairy due to all the extra activities. This May I am hoping to enjoy all the good parts of May without the stress, because luckily I have nowhere to be!
1. Move My Body OUTSIDE- Normally during the month of May I'm teaching and have to workout in the morning before work if I want to get my exercise in. This entails going to the gym since the sun isn't up yet. Now that I don't have to be at work, just reachable by email and home for the occasional Zoom, I have been able to go for walks/runs outside. Some of our local trails are opening back up for Phase 1 and I could not be more excited about it! My goal is to move my body at least 2 miles a day. It may be walking, it may be running, it may be a combination of both. My goal is to do this unplugged (no headphones) as often as possible. 
2. Read 3 Books- We set up our hammock in the backyard and I see a lot of book reading in the hammock in my future. 
3. Keep Up With Our Garden- Our vegetable garden is coming in nicely! We have tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, green beans, and basil planted so far. We also have my lemon tree and blueberry bush, which I love! It really only takes a few minutes each day to stay on top of it and it sure beats letting it get out of hand and then spending an hour out there pulling weeds!
Our blueberry bush has a lot of berries this year!
So really, that's it! The point is to continue to take things slowly and enjoy the extra time soaking up my family because a return to normal life is (hopefully) around the corner. I don't want to look back and think I was any busier right now than I needed to be. What about you?? What are some of your goals this month?


  1. Your garden is so cute. We really want to have a vegetable garden, but we're settling for our indoor herb garden right now. #apartmentliving Have a great month!!! Anxious about the different phased openings... both excited and nervous!!!

  2. Those are great goals! My sister lives in North Carolina and returned to work today.

  3. No real opening back up here (Toronto) other than garden centres. I hope it goes well for you guys in NC.

    Love your garden, if I had any semblance of a green thumb I would try to go beyond our small herb selection, but other things seem pretty ambitious to me.
