Good morning friends! I hope you're having a great week so far. A few weeks back Adrienne posted her fall bucket list and I thought "Oh-- I need to do that!". Well, true to form, I made a mental note of it but then completely forgot about it an hour later. I swear this is the story of my life-- if I don't write it down immediately, the thought is gone. Anywho... I was browsing Pinterest the other day and this picture popped up:
and I thought "Ooooh there are so many things in this picture I want to do this Fall", which led me to remember the Fall Bucket List idea! I finally sat down and put together a Fall Bucket List, which I am sharing here today. If you have any other ideas/suggestions, please leave them below!
- Get our annual fireplace inspection, then use it!
- Stock up on hot cocoa, then drink it all 😊
- Watch the movie "Halloween" (it's the only scary movie I can watch because I've seen it 2 dozen times and know when all the scary parts are)
- Attempt other Halloween/Scary movies (can't promise I'll make it all the way through any)
- Visit a pumpkin patch
- Decorate Halloween cookies with the kids
- Make other Halloween snacks
- Make Halloween crafts with the kids
- Make our annual Halloween cards
- Watch a football game outside with our projector and screen
- Make homemade applesauce
- Make a giant leaf pile at the bottom of the kids' slide-- they love sliding into them
- Drink a fall craft beer
This list has me all excited now for fall and I can't wait to start checking things off. Any other ideas you'd suggest? I'm open to fall craft beer suggestions too 😉
Have a great Wednesday!
That’s a great list! I miss crafting with my kids!