Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Let's Look: My Desk

 Good morning friends! I hope you're all having a good start to your week. I'm still stuck in this rut of "what day is it?" and I cannot for the life of me keep up with it! Is it quarantine? Is it summer? Is it both? Not really sure, but a week ago I had a hair appointment and showed up on the wrong day because I didn't know what day it was. I had to do the walk of shame back to my car and come back to my appointment the following day 🙈😂 I mean what else can you do but laugh it off, right?

Anyway, today's topic for Let's Look is "my desk" and.... about that... we no longer have an office because we keep having kids and needing to use more bedrooms... so if I'm being completely honest, my "desk" is more like our dining room table. Anyone else? When we first moved into this house we had more rooms than we knew what to do with! Now, we are actively using every single square foot. 😀 So come and have a look at my "desk" 😉.

Whenever I am ready to get organized and get working for the day, I always pull out the same things: my computer, my calendar, my flair pens, and a notebook. I love how bright and cheery the Lilly Pulitzer notebooks are. They make me excited to write in them! I have written about my love the the Happy Planners multiple times (here, here, and here are just a few examples). I love how bright and cheery they are and the multiple accessories you can buy to jazz them up. I wish I was artistic enough to draw in my planner and make it look cute, but I'm pretty sure my 3 year old daughter is more artistically talented than I am 😂.

So whenever I am ready to work, I grab my stuff, head to the dining room table, make myself a cup of coffee and buckle down! It's not much, but it works for us. What about you? Do you have your own office and an actual desk? If so, please know how jealous I am 😉. If not, and you're a dining-room-table-as-a-desk kinda person too, let me know! 

Have a great day! See you back here tomorrow for a recipe!


  1. I have a little nook with a desk, which I am so thankful for right now! It also houses my Peloton, haha, but it totally works!

  2. I'm at the dining room table too!! My husband offered to set up a desk area for me early on in the lock down and I said it would be fine, but here we are about 6 months later and I'm still at the table, I guess I should have taken him up on it! I guess there is still time since my office isn't planning to re-open anytime soon.

    1. Haha don't you know the minute you get a real desk setup you'll be back at the office!

  3. I can totally relate! I had two different craftroom/ office spaces that we gave up to kids and to to household stuff so I am not mostly working out of a corner of our bedroom or a small area in what used to be our playroom turned game room.

    1. Yes!! It's funny how a house that used to be "too big" can become "not big enough" in just a short amount of time!
