Friday, April 3, 2020

Monthly Goals: April

Happy Friday friends! I'm here with my monthly goals for April and am planning on being pretty lax about these. We are all in survival mode and there may be some days where I don't accomplish a single one of these goals, and that's okay! As long as I am actively working towards them.
Drink More Water: I don't know about you, but this picture above pretty much summed up my life the last few weeks of March! Coffee, coffee and more coffee, followed by wine at night. And I definitely was not feeling my best! My goal is to drink half my body weight in water daily this month. 
Move My Body Every Single Day: It might be gardening, a neighborhood walk, a run or some yoga... but my plan is to move my body every single day for 30 minutes. 
Read 4 Books: Here's hoping!
Check 3 House Projects Off Our List: Living in an older house, we seem to have this never-ending list of things that need to be done. Our usual excuse of "we'll get to that when we have time" doesn't really apply at the moment, so I'm hoping we can get a few things accomplished.
Zoom With Friends a Couple Times a Week: I have had several Zoom chats with friends this week and it is helping me to keep from going insane. The good thing about everyone being required to stay home is that we all have time to chat with each other. None of us have anywhere to be! I'm hoping we keep up with these because it makes all of us feel so much better!

Today I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites. I hope you all have a great weekend!!


  1. See my secret to drinking so much water is... I don't like coffee or wine! I know that makes me a weird sort of mom but there you have it. I was hoping to tackle a few household projects too but since my hubby is working so much and it would all fall to me, I suddenly don't think it's as important. Best of luck to you on your goals.

    1. Oh there's no way I'd be doing the projects if I was home with the kids by myself!! I agree, it isn't important!
